Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Fruits

Bush Tucker Plant Food - All

NEW: Australian Bush Food Plant Quiz (Bush Tucker and Edible Weeds).

This page shows the native bush tucker plant foods all on the one page, rather than grouped according to which part of the plant is edible like on the bush tucker plant index page. The plant foods are listed in alphabetical order of genus (the genus is the first word in the two-word scienfitic name of the plant, the second word is the species). I haven't added the "weeds" from the weeds page, since there are a lot of them already, and they are usually found in different areas to the native plants. (Specifically, the native plants are mostly found in undisturbed bushland, while the "weeds" are mostly found in and around human settlement.) I also haven't added the medicial plants which have no edible parts.

Note that only certain parts of these plants are edible, not the whole plant.

See also: Bush Tucker Plant Foods Index

This page shows some bush tucker plant foods that can be found in the Sydney and Blue Mountains regions. Most of them can be found in other parts of Australia, and a some are found in other parts of the world also.

Warning - Edible Weeds WARNING: Never eat plants that are growing in an area where they may have been sprayed with pesticides or herbicides (weed killers), or where the water supply to the area could be polluted, such as from urban or industrial run-off. Never eat any part of any wild growing plant unless you are certain you can identify it. Being certain means you have developed a maturity of skill in identifying plants. It does not mean you are pretty sure it looks just like "that plant you saw once on some website".

Click on the pictures to show more information about each of the different food species.



Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Acacia - Wattles


Parasitic shrub

Amyema pendulum - Mistletoe

Native Honeysuckle


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Banksia - Native Honeysuckle

Billardiera scandens
Apple Berry

Twining vine

Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Billardiera scandens - Apple Berry

Breynia oblongifolia
Coffee Bush

Berries turn red when ripe

Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Breynia oblongifolia - Coffee Bush

Lady Fingers

Ground Orchids

Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Caladenia - Lady Fingers


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Carpobrotus - Pigface

Devil's Twine, Dodder Laurel

Twining climber

Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Cassytha - Devil's Twine

Native Grapes


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Cissus - Native Grapes

Commelina cyanea
Scurvy Weed
, Native Wandering Jew

Warning - Edible Weeds This is not the introduced "Wandering Jew" or "Trad" with white flowers.


Edible Weeds - Commelina cyanea - Scurvy Weed

Eustrephus latifolius
Wombat Berry

Twining climber

Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Eustrephus latifolius - Wombat Berry

Native Cherry


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Exocarpus - Native Cherry

Ficus coronata
Sandpaper Fig

Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Ficus coronata - Sandpaper Fig



Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Gahnia - Swordgrass

Geitonoplesium cymosum
Scrambling Lily


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Geitonoplesium cymosum - Scrambling Lily

Waxlip Orchids

Ground orchids

Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Glossodia - Waxlip Orchids

Glycine tabacina
Love Creeper


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Glycine tabacina - Love Creeper

Ipomoea cairica
Coastal Morning Glory

Warning - Edible Weeds Some Ipomoea species are poisonous

Edible Weeds - Ipomoea cairica - Coastal Morning Glory

Insect Galls


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Insect Galls

Lepironia articulata
Grey Sedge

Freshwater plant with tall round stems


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Lepironia articulata - Grey Sedge

Lomandra longifolia


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Lomandra longifolia - Mat-Rush

Macrozamia and Lepidozamia
Cycads / Burrawangs

Warning - Edible Weeds These seeds are highly toxic unless prepared properly


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Macrozamia and Lepidozamia - Cycads - Burrawangs

Morinda jasminoides
Sweet Morinda, Native Jasmine


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Morinda jasminoides - Sweet Morinda

Parsonsia straminea
Common Silkpod

Twining climber

Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Parsonsia straminea - Common Silkpod



Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Passiflora - Passionfruit

Persoonia linearis
Narrow-leaved Geebung

Shrub or small tree

Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Persoonia linearis - Narrow-leaved Geebung

Native Sarsaparilla


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Smilax - Native Sarsaparilla


Warning - Edible Weeds Some Solanum species are poisonous, and many edible species have poisonous lookalikes

Edible Weeds - Solanum - Nightshades

Syzygium smithii (Acmena smithii)
Common Lilly Pilly

Shrub or tree to 20 metres high


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Syzygium smithii - Acmena smithii - Common Lilly Pilly

Tetragonia Tetragonoides
New Zealand Spinach


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Tetragonia Tetragonoides - New Zealand Spinach

Thysanotus tuberosus
Common Fringed Lily


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Thysanotus tuberosus - Common Fringed Lily

Trachymene incisa
Wild Parsnip


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Trachymene incisa - Wild Parsnip

Water Ribbons


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Triglochin - Water Ribbons

Bulrush / Cattails


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Typha - Bulrush / Cattails

Grass Tree


Bush Tucker Plant Foods - Xanthorrhoea - Grass Tree

Recommended Reading

Wild Food Plants of Australia, Tim LowWild Food Plants of Australia, Tim Low. This is easily the best book for edible plants that I know of for Southeast Australia. (And probably for almost all of Australia, though if you are mainly interested in the North, check out Les Hiddins' Pocket Guide). It is also small enough to carry easily. If I had to survive with only two books, this would be one and the other would be a survival book — the first "Naked Into the Wilderness" book by John and Geri McPherson, or possibly Thomas J Elpel's book.

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