Proof That God Exists
It is actually quite easy to prove that God exists, it can be done (and is done below) in just a few paragraphs.
This page outlines a simple proof that God exists. The proof is fairly minimal, and intended for people who currently find it difficult or impossible to believe in God. It is not intended to question or to challenge anyone's existing beliefs. Rather, it is for people who do not already have something that they believe in, so that they can perhaps become more open to this side of life.
A healthy belief in God can be extremely helpful when entering a period of major life upheval, such as people will experience when the upcoming global changes start to kick in. For many people, moving towards more of a working concept of (and belief in) God is part of the whole process of reversing your thinking. This proof that God exists can help you with the process.

Photo: Public Domain, artwork by Michelangelo
A concept of God is something that most ancient people had, and comparatively few modern people have. The ability to believe in God is therefore one of the skills you can aim to develop as part of learning the ways of ancient people.
A Belief In God Is Healthy
When you start seriously considering your own mortality, it will be extremely beneficial to have a useful concept of God - and, if possible, to also have some kind of spiritual and/or religious framework in place - as part of your new view of the world.
As I have said, this proof that God exists is not intended to replace or conflict with anyone's existing view of God. Rather, it is intended to serve as a simple basis for a faith in God (in fact more than a faith, but an actual proof) for people whose existing views of the world do not already contain such a belief. (And also for those who explicitly deny to themselves the possibility of such a belief.)
The great advantage of the following proof of the existence of God is that it is very difficult - perhaps impossible - to argue against it in a way that negates it. That is, it constitutes an actual proof in the fullest sense of the word.
Most disagreements with this proof that someone might put forward would be on the basis of the proof being too minimal. That is, many people would argue that God is a lot more than the idea of God that I am proving here to exist. There is nothing wrong with that opinion. I am absolutely not meaning to imply that the idea of God that is presented here is all that God could possibly be. This proof is meant to be regarded as a minimum - that is, God is at least what I am about to describe, and may also be (and already is, for some people) a lot more than this.
The minimal proof that is given here is greatly useful for some people as it can form a basis for something that you can learn to absolutely rely on. It can also provide an opening in your view of the world that may have up until now been closed out - a doorway leading to exploring this side of life in much more depth.
The Proof
The key to proving that God exists is found in how you define "God" in the first place.
What is God, anyway? If you want to prove that something exists, you have to know what it is that you are talking about. Since there are probably almost as many individual ideas as to what God is as there are people, there needs to be a concept of what exactly it is that is being "proved" to exist.
Imagine, for example, that I was to define "God" as The Holy Being who has four hundred pages of specific properties, which I then spelled out in intricate detail, plus another seven hundred pages of rules that you must obey. If I was to do that, it might be difficult for me to convince you (or at least, some people) that every word of those eleven hundred pages was absolutely true. To prove that every word was true, in such a way that anyone and everyone who heard my proof would be instantly and utterly convinced, beyond any possible doubt whatsoever, would be even more difficult.
Step One
Now take the other extreme — define "God" as something very, very simple. Like some ordinary everyday object. In absence of a definition, "God" is just a word, and here we are considering exactly what actual thing you are going to consider that the word "God" refers to. Now imagine that you are going to assign the word "God" to mean some object, like your nose, or perhaps a tree near where you are sitting, or anything else that you can see (or in some other way sense that it actually does exist).
Suddenly it has become very, very easy to prove that God exists. If you have a nose, and you can verify that it is there, then God (i.e. your nose) exists.
Step Two
Okay, you may think that is really not too useful at all — and if that was all it was, you would pretty much be right.
But it turns out that if you add just a little more to the concept of what you define "God" to be, you end up with something extremely useful.
Now, imagine that you define "God" to mean something that is a bit more like what most people think of when the word "God" is used: Define "God" to mean something like (you can modify the wording of this to your own personal taste) "The force or entity or set of events that cause the reality that I experience to be the way that it is".
If you want to be more precise, you can exclude yourself and other people (and perhaps also other living beings such as animals and bacteria) so that "God" is whatever (apart from yourself and other people and the animals, etc.) caused things to be the way that they are.
So, if you were to adopt this definition of God, what do you have now? You have a concept of "God" that fits in reasonably well with what the word means in general usage (certainly it fits in a lot better than calling your nose or a tree "God"). You also have something that can be completely "100% of the time, every time" proven to exist.
Because now "God" is whatever force or entity (or any other word here that you like, if you don't like "force" or "entity") that causes things to be the way that they are, and because things obviously are the way that they are, then this simple version of God is therefore 100% real and verifiable.
So now not just "God, your nose" — but God that is in the most basic way just like what most people think of as God — is thus proven to exist. So we have what we set out to achieve, a proof that God exists. QED.
Why This Is Useful
At first this proof might seem like nothing more than a trick of words, but it is actually extremely useful.
The usefulness comes from the way that your mind works. By giving "whatever causes things to be the way that they are" (you can substitute your own definition here) a name (such as "God"), you are changing the way that your mind processes things. You cause your brain to use different parts of itself to process the concept of God. If you allow this way of thinking to develop, in time these changes continue on to become changes in the way you brain processes a great many aspects of your life.
Changing the parts of your brain that are used means that you also change the electrical signals that travel between the cells in your brain. You change the way that your mind views the world out there, and views (that is, thinks and feels about) the events that are happening in your life.
By doing this simple act, you have created an environment in your mind that allows for new combinations of thoughts and feelings - which would not be possible without having done this.
You Are Using Different Parts of Your Brain
If you take this approach, what actually happens is that you begin to use the parts of your brain that were designed to process the concept of "another living being" for processing many otherwise "ordinary" aspects of your life.
One way in which your mind's activity changes is that it makes a lot more use of the parts of your mind that are designed to process what it views as "other beings". That is, the parts that it would use when having a conversation with another person, or thinking about another living creature. By using the concept of God as explained above, without anything more than just that, your mind is freed (that is, new areas of your brain become available) to start to view life and everything "out there" in an entirely different way to someone who does not have any concept of God at all.
If you practice this enough, eventually you will begin to feel that you have much more of a personal relationship with your life and with your world. Now you can talk to God. Another word for talking to God is "prayer" — so, now, you have a God that you believe in, and that you can pray to.
For someone who is not used to thinking this way (such as an atheist), there are many other benefits that come from adopting this kind of basic concept of God.
I will continue with more on this later on, addressing questions like "In what sense does this type of God listen?" and "Obviously God would really be a lot more than this, wouldn't He?"
Further Thoughts
This section is just an introduction to get you started. If you find this proof that God exists (or anything else on this page) interesting, you could go on to look into one or more of the traditional sets of religious and/or spiritual beliefs, while at the same time keeping in your mind what you have learned here.
See Also
Waterproof Bible
Books About Near-Death Experiences
Free Video Bible Course
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