Surviving the Economic Crash — Web Links
See also: What To Do About the Upcoming Economic Crash, Why the Global Economy is About to Crash, Books About Survival in the Future Hard Times, The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil (Video), Arithmetic, Population and Energy (Video), What is Peak Oil?, Why is Peak Oil a Problem, How to Get Started, What the Economic Crisis Really Means - and What We Can Do About It (Video)
Here are some web links that are good. These are all external links (i.e. to other websites, not this one).
This page is still UNDER CONSTRUCTION. I will be adding a lot more links and other stuff...
David Holmgren — Crash on Demand
David Holmgren is one of the two founders of permaculture (along with Bill Mollison). His essay "Crash on Demand" is an analysis of the possible futures of humanity over the next few decades, as the problems from our need for economic growth reaching its final limit start to directly impact our modern lifestyles. He discussess four types of scenarios and which is most likely to happen.
Read about Crash on Demand on David Holmgren's website
Crash on Demand, the discussion so far
Crash on Demand: interviews and a summary
An analysis of Crash On Demand by Nicole Foss given on
The LDS Preparedness Manual
This is a free downloadable PDF book. Highly recommended. Yes "LDS" refers to the Mormon Church (i.e. the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), but there is a massive amount of content in here that will be useful for everyone. There is a hard copy version available from Amazon, which at the time I'm writing this has 23 reviews, all of them 5/5 stars.
Free download link here. (Note that it asks for your email address, but any email address will do, e.g.
If you click on the link you can view the table of contents on the HTML page before you download it.
Prepper Sites
How To Start Prepping: Top Ten List (YouTube video)
7 Step Preparedness Plan
Page reviewing the "5 best prepper sites"
120 Powerful Pieces Of Advice For Preppers
Why Are Preppers Hated So Much?
Items that will be the first to go! (YouTube video)
What To Do in a Bank Run, plus a collection of several other free PDF eBooks and MP3 audio files. You need to sign up with a real email address. I don't know how spammy they are, you can always make up a new hotmail or gmail address if you are worried.
9 Steps To Starting A Survival Garden
The Diggers Club — Heirloom seeds, books, heaps of excellent stuff
Eden Seeds
Greenpatch Organic Seeds
A Google search for water tanks - have a look at some and start planning to get one!
.... More links to come soon!
See also
What To Do About the Upcoming Economic Crash
Why the Global Economy is About to Crash
What the Economic Crisis Really Means - and What We Can Do About It (Video)
Books About Survival in the Future Hard Times
The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil (Video)
Arithmetic, Population and Energy (Video)
What is Peak Oil?
World Scientists' Warning to Humanity
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